Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Two Good Articles

Am I Racist If I Vote For McCain? by Fr. Jim Lloyd, CSP

Sarah Palin: the Thrilla from Wasilla by Dorothy Cummings, The Catholic Register

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Birthday, Nana!

Today my dear little Nana celebrated her 96th birthday!!

Thank you God for giving her good health, long life, and a super-strong faith.

And Thank you, Nana, for all the good things you've done and continue to do for your family and friends and others. You're a huge blessing and I love you to pieces! :)

In Jesus' Name, We Pray....

(Footage of Sarah Palin being prayed over for protection, three years ago.)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Woman for All Seasons

In 1998, Peggy Noonan wrote about her experience at the National Prayer Breakfast of 1994 in Washington, D.C., where Mother Teresa was invited to speak to a gathering of political, social, and business leaders. The article never fails to move and inspire me.

"Her speech was a great success in that it was clear and strong, seriously meant, seriously stated, seriously argued, and seriously received. She spoke with a complete indifference to the conventions of speech giving, not only in her presentation— reading the text as if she were reading some dry old document aloud, rarely looking up, rarely using her voice to emphasize, rarely using inflection, expression, or gesturing—but in her message. She softened nothing, did not deflect division but defined it. She came with a sword.

"She could do this, of course, because she had a natural and unknown authority. She has the standing of a saint. May you pursue and achieve such standing as you think and work and write and speak."

Read the full article here.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Emilia's Prayer

"Lord, put me back in peace with myself and with others.
Lord, you who rose from death, don't let death win out over me.
It is no longer the time for analysis, for copying others,
For my being or not being able,
For the evil others do me or I do to myself,
But for living now, every now in you alone.

Excerpt from meditation by Emilia Vergani (+2000)
Source: Magnificat, September 5th 2008.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Last Waltz, etc.

Heard this playing on the car radio this evening. I started to imagine my Mom and Dad, one day reunited in eternity, dancing together to this song (yes, I am an excessively sentimental romantic). The lyrics are sad, but it's still a beautiful waltz...

Engelbert - The Last Waltz

And since I still can't sleep, here's another soothing tune...

Bryan Adams - Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?

Ephesians 6:12

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Yesterday, I made my last payment towards a long outstanding balance on my credit card. I feel SO relieved! With God's help and the encouragement and support of family and friends, I've now reached two of the three goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year.

I guess it's never too late to start eating healthy and exercising! :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Voting With a Clear Conscience

As Americans and Canadians prepare to vote in their respective elections, many of us are striving to inform ourselves on the issues, and also to inform our conscience on what should be our priorities in voting.

I'm grateful for a booklet put together by Father Frank Pavone, entitled “Voting with a Clear Conscience”. There's a Catholic version and an Interdenominational version. (h/t Dawn Patrol)

"Not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia. …While the Church exhorts civil authorities to seek peace, not war, and to exercise discretion and mercy in imposing punishment on criminals, it may still be permissible to take up arms to repel an aggressor or to have recourse to capital punishment. There may be a legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not however with regard to abortion and euthanasia." (Letter from Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, to Cardinal McCarrick, July 2004)

Gianna Jensen's Story

"Gianna's biological mother was 17 when she had a saline abortion in her third trimester. After being burned alive for approximately 18 hours in the womb from the saline solution, Gianna was delivered alive in a Los Angeles County abortion clinic...."

Read the rest here.

Gianna's appearance on Hannity & Colmes:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Linus Sings "The Police"

LOL! I thought this was cute and well-edited:

A Relaxing Sunday

This afternoon I took my Grandma for a drive through parts of North York and down Avenue Road. I tuned the radio station to one of those vintage shows which played a variety of oldies; Bing Crosby, charleston, ragtime, etc. Nana enjoyed that. When the fall foliage is at its peak, I'm going to take her to High Park where we can go for a walk and enjoy the autumn colours!

I was thinking today that I'm grateful for how simple my life currently is. I'm 41 and I'm happily single. After years of part-time study, I've finally finished my courses and I'm almost debt-free. My employment situation gives me the convenience of working from home, and also travelling downtown. I'm enjoying living with my Mom and Grandma after being away for so many years. I have good friends and good health.

Truly, I have much to be thankful for! :)

Photo from: Royal_Rivers on Flickr

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Orissa Burning

Warning: Some graphic imagery - please continue to pray for the people of Orissa!

Source: Pauline Charism Live

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In Memoriam

Seven years ago today, I was living and working in Manhattan...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nobody Says it Like Camille!

I've been waiting for her next article, ever since I heard a few excerpts of her take on Sarah Palin. Camille Paglia considers herself an atheist. I'm a believing Catholic. It follows that I don't always share Paglia's views, although in certain areas I do. There are times when I admire her honesty and courage. And one thing's for certain - nobody says it like Camille!
h/t: Five Feet of Fury

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Was Invited... Seraphic to participate in her "Yves St. Laurent" Meme (also known, in this instance, as "Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About 'Belloc' But Were Afraid to Ask), and I've thought long and hard about my answers to the following 18 questions:

What is your chief characteristic?

At first, I was going to say “Insecurity”, but then it occurred to me that perhaps I was meant to write a positive characteristic. People sometimes tell me I’m compassionate.

What is your principal fault?


What is your favourite quality in a man?

gentleness; kindness

And in a woman?

inner strength

Who is your favourite historical figure?

Too many to mention, but I’m partial to Francis De Sales and Charles Schulz! :)

Who are your living heroes?

My Mom, my Grandma, and Fr. John Harvey, OSFS

Who would you like to be, if you could?

Don’t want to be anyone else but me; however, there are many people with qualities I would like to emulate – usually people with confidence and courage because I’m often too fearful.

What is your idea of earthly happiness?

Being in the company of close friends, sharing a meal/drink, good conversation, and laughter

What is your idea of misery?

Feeling hopeless or depressed.

Where would you like to live?

I like living in Toronto, although I enjoy tropical places very much

What talent would you like to have?

I would like to be accomplished at playing the piano or violin

For what fault do you have the most tolerance?


Who are your favourite painters?

Rembrandt and E.P. Vicari

Who are your favourite composers?

love all kinds of music, but don’t have a favourite composer – how about Stan Getz or Vince Guaraldi?

What is your favourite colour?

pearl magenta

Of all things, what do you most detest?

lack of compassion

Have you got a motto?

I like the saying “…with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26)

What would you like to do right now?

Take a nap (not enough sleep last night…)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Falling for Fall

We are now officially entering into Autumn - my favourite Toronto season! In a few weeks, the leaves will be amazingly colourful and I can start wearing my favourite comfortable sweaters when I go for walks.

Today was a bit chilly and I celebrated the transition to Autumn by making some hot spiced cider - apple cider, a little brown sugar, cloves, cinnamon sticks, pad of butter, spiced rum - mmmmmmm.....

Sat by the window, sipping my cider and reading "Light from Heaven", the final volume in the Mitford Years Series. A very pleasant afternoon!
Photo from brettandclaires at

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Please Pray...

...for a good friend who just learned that her brother passed away suddenly. The cause of death is still unknown. Please pray for her brother's soul, and please pray for the family to be consoled, comforted and strengthened during this time.

Thank you.

Hope In the Dark Places

Lord, I pray for anyone struggling with depression or discouragement. Please help them to experience your consoling and compassionate presence. Send them people and experiences that will uplift them and encourage them. Give them new hope, new dreams and a renewed sense of confidence in You and in Your plan for their lives. Help us to be instruments of encouragement and hope for one another. Help us to truly relieve one another’s burdens and bring joy and laughter into one another’s lives. We ask all this in Jesus name.

His Eye Is On The Sparrow sung by Lauryn Hill and Tanya Blount (not Cece Winans as it mistakenly says on the YouTube video credits):

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bill Melendez, R.I.P.

Mr. Bill Melendez, the only person authorized by Charles Schulz to animate the beloved Peanuts characters, has passed away. Mr. Melendez was 91. One of the most famous T.V. specials produced and directed by Mr. Melendez was "A Charlie Brown Christmas".

I'm so grateful to Mr. Schulz for creating the Peanuts characters, and I'm grateful to Mr. Melendez for helping to keep them alive! May his soul rest in peace.

(I found the Snoopy gif on

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's Official!

I received my transcripts in the mail - I passed my comprehensive exams and, finally, after 930 million years,
I have my M.A.!!!!!

Thank you, Jesus... :)

(OK - it actually took 13 years part-time, but it sometimes felt never-ending)

Fireworks image from Aussiebeachut at

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

OHRC - The New Magisterium?

I'd like to say this is unbelievable, but given the way things are here in Canada, it's unfortunately quite believable.

According to the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), "doctors, as providers of services that are not religious in nature, must essentially 'check their personal views at the door' in providing medical care." [That's not even an opponent summing up the OHRC's position; it's an actual excerpt from the OHRC submission.]

Lorne Gunter responds: "The gall of such a statement is stunning. Abortion? Contraception? Fertility counselling for same-sex couples? How are those not services that are 'religious in nature'? Every one of the world's major religions has had views on these actions for hundreds of years."

Read Lorne Gunter's full article at the National Post (h/t Still Seraphic).

Monday, September 1, 2008

Palin Family "Walks the Walk" Amidst Adversity

Both V.P. candidate Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol opted for Life at a time when the world would encourage them to a) be rid of the "inconvenience" of a child with Downs syndrome and b) evade the very real consequences and responsibilities of an out-of-wedlock teenage pregnancy.

May God bless and protect the Palin family...

Please Pray for Christians in Orissa!

Violence against Orissa Christians is a wake-up call. (article by John Allen, Jr.)

"What's happening in Orissa this week ought to be a wake-up call, because the fate of India will be critically important to the 21st century."

Can I Be Pro-Choice & Catholic at the Same Time?

Read the latest article by Fr. Jim Lloyd, CSP.