This also gives me enough time to finish up my current part-time freelance assignment. Which I should get back to working on...
BTW, the St. Joseph book I mentioned earlier - "The Glories of St. Joseph" - is a 30-day series of reflections on St. Joseph which includes prayers as well as stories of favours received through his intercession.
I have not been reading the book every day for 30 days (which is typical of me), but I pick it up every now and then and read a little bit here and a little bit there, and I have found it very encouraging. The one thing I do regularly is say a daily novena prayer to St. Joseph with my Nana, and gainful employment has always been and will remain one of my many intentions.
And now, I better get back to work! :)
I have not been reading the book every day for 30 days (which is typical of me), but I pick it up every now and then and read a little bit here and a little bit there, and I have found it very encouraging. The one thing I do regularly is say a daily novena prayer to St. Joseph with my Nana, and gainful employment has always been and will remain one of my many intentions.
And now, I better get back to work! :)
Congratulations, Tina! Are you teaching or...admin or...?
I'm heading to the land of your birth on Friday.
Thanks, Carole! I'll be the Program Assistant and Web Administrator for the Department of Anesthesia - so much for my degrees in English and Theology!
I won't be teaching, but Father H. holds out hope that's what I'll do eventually. We'll see...
Hope you'll be blogging from the land of my birth - safe travels!
BTW, who's Tina??? ;)
Congratulations on the new job! :D
Thanks! :)
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