Having gotten there just in time for Mr. Steyn's presentation and having secured a seat right across the aisle from him, I seized the moment and went over and shook his hand, quickly introducing myself as a fan, then immediately seated myself and waited for the proceedings to begin.
I also recognized Kathy Shaidle (Five Feet of Fury) sitting two rows in front of me. I was very excited, to say the least.
First Mr. Steyn spoke briefly (I started to clap when he finished, but quickly realized that wasn't part of the "protocol"). Then he answered the Standing Committee's questions. He was great - I almost laughed out loud a couple of times over his witty responses. Update: Please read the whole transcript here.
When Mr. Steyn was finished and left the room, it seemed like nearly half of those present left the room too, because he was the main reason they'd come. What an inspiration! He was confident, eloquent, and funny - obviously speaking from the strength of his convictions.
Continuing in "groupie" mode, I went over and introduced myself to Kathy Shaidle, and was also very pleased to meet Denyse O'Leary, as well as RightGirl! I then did the ultimate "groupie" thing and asked them if I could please take their photo and they very kindly obliged (Here they are from left to right: RightGirl, Kathy Shaidle, Denyse O'Leary). I also took a photo of Mr. Steyn being video-taped by RightGirl (see above).

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