Friday, November 7, 2008

Thank You, St. Joseph!

Yesterday I accepted an offer for a full-time position at the University, starting December 1st! I've been temping there a couple of days a week for the last few months. Thanks so much to all who've been praying for me during this time (Mom, Nana, friends), thanks to those who gave me good references, and thank you to the Holy Souls and the Saints, especially Dad & St. Joseph, for their intercession!

This also gives me enough time to finish up my current part-time freelance assignment. Which I should get back to working on...

BTW, the St. Joseph book I mentioned earlier - "The Glories of St. Joseph" - is a 30-day series of reflections on St. Joseph which includes prayers as well as stories of favours received through his intercession.

I have not been reading the book every day for 30 days (which is typical of me), but I pick it up every now and then and read a little bit here and a little bit there, and I have found it very encouraging. The one thing I do regularly is say a daily novena prayer to St. Joseph with my Nana, and gainful employment has always been and will remain one of my many intentions.

And now, I better get back to work! :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Tina! Are you teaching or...admin or...?

I'm heading to the land of your birth on Friday.

Tina said...

Thanks, Carole! I'll be the Program Assistant and Web Administrator for the Department of Anesthesia - so much for my degrees in English and Theology!

I won't be teaching, but Father H. holds out hope that's what I'll do eventually. We'll see...

Hope you'll be blogging from the land of my birth - safe travels!

BTW, who's Tina??? ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new job! :D

Tina said...

Thanks! :)