Saturday, May 3, 2008

"Do not be afraid..."

"My fears, dear Lord, of opening my eyes to the suffering world are deeply rooted in my own anxious heart. I am not sure that I, myself, am truly loved and safely held, and so I keep my distance from other people’s fear-filled lives. But again you say: “Do not be afraid to let me look at your wounded heart, to embrace you, to heal you, to comfort and console you . . . because I love you with a love that knows no bounds and poses no conditions.”. . . As your passion, death, and resurrection continue in history, give me the hope, the courage, and the confidence to let your heart unite my heart with the hearts of all your suffering people, and so become for us the divine source of new life. Amen."

Excerpt from Henri Nouwen’s Walk With Jesus, Orbis Books.

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